Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy ME!!!

Today it has been exactly one year since I started my new job at Mnet Financial. There were so many things I had worried about when we moved here, finding a good job being one of them, but this came along and it has worked out so well.  Even though my office is a bit chilly, (in fact I'm snuggled up in a blankie right now--don't worry, I'm on lunch!)   everyone here is super nice and fun to work with.  I have learned a ton of new things, and really enjoy what I do.  The best part, and I think Scott will agree with me, is the Disneyland passes they gave to everyone (and their spouse/signifigant other) for meeting our goal in February.  Scott and I have already been twice last week and plan on going as much as possible this year.  I had originally accepted an offer to work for a different company, but as soon as the interview here was over I knew this is where I was supposed to be.  I'm so glad I listened to that prompting and have been so lucky to work for such great people at such a wonderful company!!  Happy Anniversary to me and hopefully many more to come!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Still grateful

Today I am grateful for new socks. New socks are soft and cozy. It's like a hug for your toes. They are only like that the first time you wear them. After they get washed its just not the same.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I am still thankful for things, even if I don't post about it....I got a bit busy there for a few days. Yesterday I was grateful to add another night of volleyball to my week. I started a new league last night and we even won our first match.  Not bad for a bunch of people who had never played or even practiced together before.

Today I am grateful that my new dentist is nice.  It's never gonna beat going to see my mom on Dentist Day, but I feel like this is an office we can go to for a long time.  YAY! I was really nervous about that! and everything worked out just fine!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Today I'm grateful for....

Daylight savings!!! Not only do you get an extra of hour of sleep, it gave me the time I needed to clean up a huge grape juice mess on the carpet and wall after Benji knocked over a full glass. It got everywhere! We now have a purple wall and pinkish purple spots all over our beige carpet. What a mess!  Oh and I'm grateful we're renting!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Today is a special day so I need a special post. So today I am especially grateful for my parents and their wonderful marriage. Today is their 32rd anniversary! They have been such a wonderful, loving example of love, friendship, sacrifice, teamwork, and generosity.  They have worked so hard to keep their marriage joyful amidst all the trials and tribulations of life.  Every day they work hard to grow closer and just started teaching the marriage development class for their stake. I love them so much and am so grateful for all they have done for me, especially for being such wonderful example of what a loving marriage should be.  Thanks Mom and Dad and I hope you have another amazing 32 years!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Month of gratitude #2

Tonight I am grateful for chocolate milk.  Scott and I have been trying to work out more and eat better and when we need a yummy treat that's healthy we have a delicious glass of chocolate milk.  In fact...I'm going to get a glass right now!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Month of Gratitude #1

My goal this month, with it being Thanksgiving soon, is to post something I am grateful for every day of November.  I know there are the givens, like Scott, my family, the Gospel, my sweet little puppy, and my job. I want to stay a way from those, they're too easy! They might pop up occasionally when something special happens, but I want to focus more on the little things every day I might be here we go!

I'm grateful that we moved to California.  Not for the sun, sand and surf, but because it makes me think of my family and friends more.  I try harder to stay in touch and maintain friendships, and have even rekindled a few friendships that have been dormant for a while.  Being away from home makes every visit or phone call more special. Yes, I'm grateful we moved to California.