Monday, July 11, 2011

Wee-cation to Catalina Island!!!

Our Wee-Cation started out with an hour boat ride on one of the ferries that takes people to Catalina.  It was gray and cloudy and I almost thought that we were headed for the Bermuda Triangle.  

 We made it through the Perfect Storm and ended up here...Avalon on Catalina Island.  It had beautiful buildings and houses and cute little courtyards and shops everywhere you look.

The Island is really small, and most people don't have cars there.  Instead they cruise around in these....

Why yes, that is pimped out 30s Roadster GOLF CART.  haha tricked out carts like these were all over the island.  So fun to see what people had done to them instead of the normal boring white.  And of course when you have a pimped out ride like this where do you park it???
 In your mini golf cart sized garage of course!!!
On the way down to the beach. With the pretty bay and all the amazing views it was such an amazing place to explore.
The bartender on the beach made a delicious, refreshing Lava Flow.  (A Lava Flow is pina colada and strawberry daiquiri mixed together)  Totally brought us back to our times on our honeymoon in Hawaii...we drank those all day long. 

 This beautiful building used to be a casino, now it's a museum.  We didn't get a chance to go inside. They only give one tour a day.  We walked all around it and took tons of pictures because it was so pretty.

 This was awesome....We had rented a golf cart to explore more of the island and we came across this phone booth.  I personally thought it was totally sweet, but I think Scott was a little appalled at the thought of anyone using a telephone booth....  

 Just a few pictures of the bay during our golf cart tour.  Scott really liked driving the golf cart.  Maybe a little too much...the roads were steep and windy and there were a few times when I was legitimately scared we were going to tip.  But we made it back safely and saw some amazing scenery.
I had to through this little goodie in the mix.  I saw these hats around during the day and every time I just had to think, "WHY???"  Why would you wear that? And if you had to wear it, why in public.  Why subject everyone else to your lack of good hat decision making????  

We had so much fun in Catalina and can't wait to go back for another trip full of excitement and bad hats!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun! Those pimped out carts are so awesome! And the matching garage...haha how funny. Looks beautiful
